Monday 18 November 2013

A Journey to be remembered for Years...

People mostly share about their good and wonderful journeys but i am going to share a Journey that I will and .... will remember years. I never said that Pakistan is a bad country and try to get some education and experience and move abroad, I only say that it is a badly managed country. Scary things for people might be flood, fire, snake etc but for me it is flood of people on bus stops and stations ahead of public holidays.

 Live demo of Scientific theories like Collision, Momentum, Motion, Newton third law but in revised form means sometimes action and reaction are not equal :) can be found on bus station, in buses etc. We have to be careful about Centripetal and Centrifugal forces as there can be hilarious results when you loose your Equilibrium. Sometimes you just start admiring the kind of other people when they help to sustain your Equilibrium. What a strength man!. Sometime you are proud on yourself when bus takes turns you not only sustain your Equilibrium, but help others too.

When I reached the bus station, the crowd of people was rushing towards me. I wondered what happened, what i did, nothing! then why the starving crowd wanted to flush me down. I just wanted to turn back and run as fast as i even do not do in my dreams where I only fly over the huge mountains. Meanwhile when I saw back then I realized the situation, People are not flying toward me, but It was the bus who created this situation. All of sudden people were entering in bus from all possible points of buss, wow wonderful I only could say. Meanwhile i heard a voice of somebody, look like he was dying in sever pain, I rushed towards the bus to help him. He was laying on four consecutive seats and he was mammering. People were crossing above him. I tried to help him and tried to make him sit but his next clear words just left me astonished "these are all my seats go away" then he emitted the same voice which attracted me, Actually he was calling his Wife and children.

 When I reached the bus stand of my city, I could not see a single bus there. After waiting half an hour, a bus came and I was able to secure a seat, how? only i know. Meanwhile bus conductor made a announcement for fare which was way beyond of  actual fare. That was a healthy increase. Some people started imploring to conductor that we can only give x amount and conductor denied with authority and said if you can not afford then just left the bus. But only one person left and everyone else compromised and stayed there. Nobody even asked why you are charging too much, you are totally being unreasonable, We are going to call police even Government shared the number for that types of matters. First of all People do not have time, second if they even call there would be surely not quick response, third bus driver might say that I am not going, take something else. So only these things are holding back people and not allowing to do any action.

 Will this continue? Do you not believe this statement from Quran?

     "Allah does not change the condition of the People who do not change their state of Goodness"

 It looks like we do not have believe on this anymore. We always criticize the Government, but do we ever criticize our self? On one hand, we claim that there is no doubt in the truthfulness of above mentioned verse, while on the other hand we never act promptly to bring any change.... even in such small daily life matters. Are we still authoritative to criticize Government and others, whilst being this much lazy bees? I am not saying that Government is doing their 100%(after all government  comprises of nothing but people like us, voted by us ). But the question is how much are we doing to make positive changes? We share these types of things but we do not believe in them most of the times. When we find a chance to criticize others, we never hesitate to unfold the hidden mysteries of their shortcomings but when it comes to one's own self, then all of a sudden its like "I am the Mr. Perfect". You can find anchors and critics everywhere but it is hard to find People who actually do what should be done. Everybody is in hurry, no time to think about the pitfalls of this broken system .Finally, one day you will die, laid in your poor grave.. forgotten for ever ...

 At the end when my stop came, there was a Police station near that. I caught the Conductor and asked him to come with me to the Police station and explain the reason why he charged excessive amount for bus fare. Then that Conductor started begging, "Please leave me, i will not do it again..blah blah".A few trespassers also talked me out of this ... to let go of conductor. So after trying to make him aware of the unethical act that he pulled off today(of charging illegal fare from poor passengers and taking advantage of the situation) , i , finally let him go, as he himself looked like a poor daily-wage earner to me.
The thing is not of money, the thing is principal. Standing up for poor people who cant even afford their two times meal, against people can do almost anything at their will, they can change systems for their own benefits. we should do what we can for right things even if it is small, otherwise that virus will start spreading generation to generation, as it has been spreading for years, and is almost penetrated to our very deepest cores.... Time to pull up your sleeves for the change...


  1. Nasir, you did a great job, until we don't rise voice for even our own right, country can't progress. Keep the great work up!

  2. Its a very good thing pointed out and the need of the hour is to act upon this.... let us do even a small thing that can create a way towards progress in all social and other fields.
